A joint venture by Chiranjiv Foundation and Yoga Initiatives under Rathi Foundation, YIC.com, affiliated to the world-class Bengaluru-based varsity VYASA, is committed to deliver the best in the field of yoga academics.
Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana or VYASA is a registered charitable institution (1986) working for making Yoga a socially relevant science.Universities Grant Commission) UGC has declared S-VYASA as a Deemed to be University under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 since 2002. With Dr H R Nagandra, prime ministers yoga guru as its chancellor, S-VYASA is the best known exclusive yoga varsity in the country.
Efficiently run by a dedicated team of experts, YIC.com offers yoga courses, specialised therapy programmes, workshops, seminars and study courses. DrSunanda Rathi, eminent academician and yoga researcher and RamkumarRathi, renowned yoga exponent, are the driving forces who are aimed at bringing qualitative yoga education to Pune.
Eminent academician and yoga researcher at SVYASA, Bengaluru, Dr Sunanda Rathi has extensive experience spanning over three decades in various fields like management, academics, animation and yoga. Along with LLB and MCom, Dr Sunanda holds a PhD in business management from the Savitribai Phule Pune University. She has been successfully running Arena Animation and Chiranjiv Publication that comprises astrology magazine, books and articles. Working in various capacities as an expert in the field of management, finance, academics and animation, Dr Sunanda is also a member of various committees, advisory boards and the recipient of several awards for her contribution in these fields. She is also at the forefront of many social and charitable initiatives. With a number of courses in yoga, self-realisation and meditation, Dr Sunanda is pursuing her doctorate in yoga from SVYASA University on obesity under the guidance of Dr H R Nagendra & Dr Padminee Tekur. She wishes to contribute to the field of yoga by lending her expertise in the subject.

A prominent entrepreneur in Pune, Ramkumar Rathi is a force to reckon with in the sectors like construction, science and technology, philanthropy and yoga. With engineering degree in civil stream and an MS in structural engineering from a USA university, Ramkumarji is the chairman of Beharay-RathiGroup that deals into real estate. He is also the chairman of CSRL-Structwel (Pune) Pvt.Ltd, government recognised testing laboratory for building materials and Rathi Techservices Pvt.Ltd. & Capital Metrics & Risk Solutions PvtLtd. Shouldering different responsibilities in professional committees and expert business groups, Ramkumarji is a true philanthropist heading various charitable and social organisations. Yoga practice under Guru Swami Ramdev has been a turning point in Ramkumarjis life since 2004 and he has been a dedicated yoga exponent ever since. He has guided many on different dimensions of yoga. He is a board member of PatanjaliYogPeeth, Haridwar and a vice-president at VYASA, Bengaluru. Today, as a philanthropist and a responsible entrepreneur, yoga tops priority chart for Ramkumarji as he wants yoga to be deep-rooted in the society.